Première participation à un concours avec jugement étranger. On notera que des pays tels que les Etats-Unis, l'Angleterre ou encore les pays de l'Est de l'Europe sont très avancés en terme de sélection, nous ne nous attendions pas à une performance. Ce ne fut pas le cas de toutes façons !

Animaux présentés :

Proline - Non classée

Jugement : "The top view of this female is the most complimentary both for color and body type. Her spotting pattern is standard with nice large spots, although there is some connection between the head spot and there is more white in her tail and back than preferred. The side shot makes her topline look more uneven, but given the funny position of her right rear leg it may be a side-effect of motion. A sand bath would also help her coat lie more smoothly. I’d love to see her again in another photo session."

Points importants : Photos peu flateuses, spot de la nuque bien large mais connecté à la tache du front, position bizarre, poil gras, à présenter à nouveau sous un jour meilleur

Giuliana des Cergilles - Non classée

Jugement : "She has a pin straight tail that tapers. She had a feminine shape and is well on her way to being fully mature. She is a tweener. She is not pied and she is not spot. Her forehead and neck spot are connected, and her neck spot does not stretch far enough to be a collar. Her confirmation is good but she doesn’t quite satisfy either standard."

Points importants : Belle stature féminine, spot hors standard (collier non terminé, conection entre les taches)